
To enhance the quality of life for Taiwanese Americans in the US.

Our work is largely devoted to building an understanding of Taiwanese American heritage, encouraging pride in Taiwanese American identity, developing a strong Taiwanese American community, advocating around issues pertinent to Taiwanese Americans, and helping to contribute to our culture, ever richer in its diversity.

TACL's programs serve to benefit all ages and encourage LINC - leadership, identity, networking, and citizenship - in areas that Asian Americans lack adequate representation.

Signature programs include Taiwanese American Professionals (TAP), Political Internship (PIP), the Leadership Identity Development (LID) and Leading Youth Forward (LYF) Camps, and Junior Taiwanese American Students Association (JTASA).

Our Values


Our timeline through the decades

Where is TACL?

Our chapters & programs on the map

Our programs & friends network span the country; we convene bi-annually at the National Conventions & Midterm Conferences.

This year's National Convention will be in New York City. Stay updated on September's event by visiting the official website!

What is TACL to me?

Hear what Jason Kuo (TAP-DC President), Ben Watkins (TAP-NY Co-Social Chair), and Johnny Chang (TACL-LYF Creative Director) have to say about TACL!


You can help! Every dollar in support for TACL means more scholarships for brilliant minds and enables us to run camps for youth expand their horizons, among other great programs.
